Big Data, Big Data and Analytics, Digital Strategy
I recently wrote about how social media, in particular, Facebook can map the fandom of college football and NFL fans. These examples show how social media and digital operators can leverage data to measure assets, like the value of teams, the size and location of college alumni, and even put a price on things like […]
Al Lopez, baseball, Boston, Branding, Braves, CBS, Cubs, Data Monetization, Dodgers, Facebook, fandom, fans, featured, Florida, Ft. Myers, George Steinbrenner, Giants, Hall of Fame, Miami, MLB, New York Times, Radio, Red Sox, Reds, sponsorhip, Sports, Sports Analytics, Sports Management, spring training, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Tampa Bay Rays, The Boss, Upstate, White Sox, Yankess
Career Advice, Innovation, Leadership
The General Sherman Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is the largest currently standing tree in the world, by volume, towering over 275 feet tall, supported by a 36-foot base diameter, and estimated to have sprouted at about the time of Christ’s birth. It can be found in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park in California. A […]
Airlines, Amazon, Banking, Chipotle, Cubs, Democrats, Demoscrats, featured, GOP, Lending, New Year Predictions, NFL, North Korea, Norwegian, President, Sears, Senate, Supreme Court, Trump, US Economy, US Supreme Court