Just this week, we heard the good news that median household income grew by 1.8% to $61,372, a new post-recession high. Still, some 39.4 million Americans live in poverty, and that number improved. Unemployment has gone down, and the equity markets are banging on all-time highs. Still, a few things are not working. Not everyone […]
2020 census, Case-Shiller, congressional seats, Economic Sciences, Economy, electoral congress, featured, Florida, GDP, Growth, housing prices, income, Median Income, migration, personal income, Real Estate, Texas
Global Insights, Leadership, Risk Management
The economists and central bankers of the US Federal Reserve have a perplexing challenge. The US economy has picked up in terms of GDP growth, but inflation is below the Goldilocks target of 2%. How could economic models be wrong? What, if anything, has changed? It has spurred a serious discussion that suggests that US economy operates differently now. I think the answer is obvious – DEFLATION! We have deflation, just not in an absolute form. We have deflation in the economy like you might have bugs in your house. They are not everywhere, just in places. Overall, the house is mostly clean, but there are some bugs.
Automation, Baby boomers, Bots, Brexit, Canada, China, Congress, Deflation, Demographics, Digitization, economic growth, economics, featured, GDP, GDP growth, houshold income, Inflation, interest rates, Irving Fisher, lower taxes, Mexico, Millennials, Milton Friedman, Population, real income, Taxation, taxes, Trade, Unemployment, USA trade, yellen
Big Data and Analytics, Global Insights, Leadership
The US economy has hit a relative high note – low unemployment and high company evaluations. So, why are some places still hurting and not growing? The answer is tied to dramatically different plights and outlooks of Americans based on where we live. Our economies are really local. I believe these differences are rooted in […]
Analytics, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Big Data to Big Profits, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Digital Economy, Economic Sciences, GDP, Location Based Services, Median Income, Microsoft, Real Estate Prices, Risk Management, Unemployment, Value of a College Degree
Career Advice, Global Insights, Leadership, Risk Management
“If you can’t Measure it, you can’t Manage it. ” – W. Edwards Deming Each year, as a service to our students here at Northwestern University, I hold a special session showing new graduates how to make a personal financial plan. If you are not measuring your personal finances, you are not managing your personal finances. […]
economics, edward deming, edwards deming, featured, Federal Debt, GDP, government debt, Health Insurance, measurement, Personal Finances, Politics, Poverty, State Debt, US Debt, w edward deming