Today, Amazon and Apple announced the limited supply of labor and slow-moving supply chains will hamper fourth quarter top line and bottom lines.[1][2] This should be a major wake-up call for investors and executives on the state of our global economy. Amazon and Apple are unique in that each exerts high control and even ownership […]
Amazon, Apple, Cargo, China, covid, economics, Economy, featured, Growth, housing, Labor, Labor Shortage, Manufacturing, Retirement, shipping, Suppy Chains, Vietnam
On November 30, 2018, we lost President George Herbert Walker Bush. He offers us so many leadership lessons, and quite many of those are not celebrated or introduced with braggadocio. That was not his style. In the election of 1992, I recall the excitement of Ross Perot. He was in; he was out, he was […]
American Disabiluty Act, Bill Clinton, China, Civility, Clean Air Act, Disagreement, Facebook, featured, George Bush, George H.W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, Germany, Gorbachev, Grace, Gulf War, Jimmy Carter, Kuwait, Leaders, Leadership, Michelle Obama, Navy, Pacific, Panama, Points of Light, Poland, President, President Bush, President Trump, Ross Perot, Russia, Soviet, Tampa, Trump, University of South Florida, World War II
Global Insights, Leadership, Risk Management
The economists and central bankers of the US Federal Reserve have a perplexing challenge. The US economy has picked up in terms of GDP growth, but inflation is below the Goldilocks target of 2%. How could economic models be wrong? What, if anything, has changed? It has spurred a serious discussion that suggests that US economy operates differently now. I think the answer is obvious – DEFLATION! We have deflation, just not in an absolute form. We have deflation in the economy like you might have bugs in your house. They are not everywhere, just in places. Overall, the house is mostly clean, but there are some bugs.
Automation, Baby boomers, Bots, Brexit, Canada, China, Congress, Deflation, Demographics, Digitization, economic growth, economics, featured, GDP, GDP growth, houshold income, Inflation, interest rates, Irving Fisher, lower taxes, Mexico, Millennials, Milton Friedman, Population, real income, Taxation, taxes, Trade, Unemployment, USA trade, yellen
United Airline’s recent fiasco continues to spiral out of control. The dragging of a fare-paying doctor from the flight was recorded by many other passengers. The reaction of United Airlines and the impact of social media on this crisis show that United and its CEO, Oscar Munoz, failed to recognize the dangers of the situation […]
CEO, China, crisis, Crisis Management, customer, customer management, featured, Leadership, Leadership lessons, Oscar Munoz, United CEO
Understanding China’s One-Child Policy Shift: Big Demographic and Economic Changes Ahead Today, China announced that it is abandoning its 35-year policy of limiting families to only one child. This policy has become a demographic experiment unmatched in the history of the world. Owing to this policy on reproduction, China is experiencing many challenges and risks […]
Africa, Aging, China, Data Risks, Demographics, economic trade, Global Affairs, Global Strategy, India, Inflation, International Business, Leadership, One child policy, Populations, Social Media Risks, Srategy, Winning with Risk Management
The World in 2050: Rapid Changes Ahead Last week, I picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal and was saddened and troubled to see the picture of a baby Syrian boy’s body being recovered from the sea. It was all the more ironic that I was preparing to give a talk on the […]
2050, Africa, China, Demographics, Global Affairs, Global Growth, Globalization, Hispanic, Hispanic Population, India, International Business, Nigeria, Population, Trade, US, World Economics, World Economy