Analytics, Innovation, Leadership
With the 2023 NFL season underway, I want to share the changes that I most recommend for improving the NFL. Many of these would make the game more exciting and add strategy to the game. Strategy and Rule Changes: Goal Line On Side Possession: If a team wants the ball after a kickoff, let them […]
Analytics, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, featured, Florida, Football, Leadership, NFL
The wave of Spanglish has hit advertisers in recent years. Dos Equis invites its customers to “Keep it Interesante,” while taco fans at Taco Bell “Live Más.” Home Depot and other retailers have adopted a near bilingual policy in stores. Smart move! Hispanic culture is alive an well in the US, and […]
economics, featured, Florida, Growth, Hispanic, Hispanic Heritage, Hispanic Heritage month, Hispanic Marketing, Latino, Marketing, sales, Spain, Spanish
As the end of 2018 soon closes, all eyes are turning to the prospects for economic growth in 2019. As seemingly always, growth comes from the US housing market or results in reinvestment in the US housing market. In either case, we see growth in or through the US housing market. People make more and […]
2019 growth, case-shiller index, Cost of Living, economic growth, economics, economoy, featured, Florida, home prices, housing, interest rates, jobs, Midwest, migration, mortgages, New York Real Estate, population growth, prices, real esate prices, San Jose, state taxes, Tax deductions, Tax Reform, West, Zillow
The wave of Spanglish has hit advertisers in recent years. Dos Equis invites its customers to “Keep it Interesante,” while taco fans at Taco Bell “Live Más.” Home Depot and other retailers have adopted a near bilingual policy in stores. Smart move! Hispanic culture is alive an well in the US, and it is an […]
Chile, Christopher Columbus, Columbis, Costa Rica, Cuba, District of Columbia, El Salvaror Guatemala, Espanol, featured, Florida, Hispanic Heritage, Hispanic Heritage month, Hispanics, Home Depot, Honduras, Interesante, Latinos, Latins, LBJ, Lyndon Johnson, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Spanish Speaking, Taco Bell, US Census
Just this week, we heard the good news that median household income grew by 1.8% to $61,372, a new post-recession high. Still, some 39.4 million Americans live in poverty, and that number improved. Unemployment has gone down, and the equity markets are banging on all-time highs. Still, a few things are not working. Not everyone […]
2020 census, Case-Shiller, congressional seats, Economic Sciences, Economy, electoral congress, featured, Florida, GDP, Growth, housing prices, income, Median Income, migration, personal income, Real Estate, Texas
With the 2018 NFL season about to begin, I want to share the changes that I most recommend for improving the NFL. Many of these would make the game more exciting and add strategy to the game. Some are about improving the NFL’s much beleaguered image. Strategy and Rule Changes: Goal Line On Side Possession: […]
Alabama, Birmingham, College Football, Columbus, El Paso, featured, Florida, Florida State University, Football, FSU, Georgia, Hail Mary, Marketing, Memphis, Michigan, National Anthem, NFL, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Portland, Richmond, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Seminoles, Sports, St. Louis, Syracuse, Tampa Bay, Toronto, Tucson, Vancouver, Washington
Big Data, Big Data and Analytics, Digital Strategy
I recently wrote about how social media, in particular, Facebook can map the fandom of college football and NFL fans. These examples show how social media and digital operators can leverage data to measure assets, like the value of teams, the size and location of college alumni, and even put a price on things like […]
Al Lopez, baseball, Boston, Branding, Braves, CBS, Cubs, Data Monetization, Dodgers, Facebook, fandom, fans, featured, Florida, Ft. Myers, George Steinbrenner, Giants, Hall of Fame, Miami, MLB, New York Times, Radio, Red Sox, Reds, sponsorhip, Sports, Sports Analytics, Sports Management, spring training, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Tampa Bay Rays, The Boss, Upstate, White Sox, Yankess
Global Insights, Innovation, Risk Management
By most conventional measures of the US economy, we are enjoying broad prosperity in the US. Unemployment is down, equity markets are up. However, salary growth is lagging for many. Analysis by the Pew Research Center shows that average real wages are essentially flat over the last 50 years. It shows that prosperity has not reached the middle class and, well, never did.
2020 census, average wages, Cas-Shiller, census, Chicago, congressional seats, DC, Economy, electoral college, featured, Florida, Growth, high speed rail, housing prices, Illinois, income, income tax, local economies, median household income, Miami, middle class, migration, Milwaukee, north, real income, Richmond, south, state taxes, Tampa, taxes, Texas, Trump, us census bureau, wages, Washington, Washington DC, wealth