Career Advice, Global Insights, Innovation, Leadership

Your Business and the Hispanic Economy – Super Growth Opportunities!

16 Sep , 2024  

The wave of Spanglish has hit advertisers in recent years. Dos Equis invites its customers to “Keep it Interesante,” while taco fans at Taco Bell “Live Más.”       Home Depot and other retailers have adopted a near bilingual policy in stores. Smart move! Interestingly, linguists report that a new language is evolving in […]

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Digital Strategy, Global Insights, Innovation, Leadership

Lessons from Collecting – What Happens When We Don’t Own?

27 Sep , 2023  

Recently, I caught up with a friend that I have known for 30 years. Today, we are both raising our children. In the 1980’s, we were teenagers in Florida collecting football and baseball cards, going to coin shops to find “rare” or different foreign coins, and of course we were listening to music on records […]

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Analytics, Innovation, Leadership

Changes to Make the NFL More Exciting!

24 Sep , 2023  

With the 2023 NFL season underway, I want to share the changes that I most recommend for improving the NFL. Many of these would make the game more exciting and add strategy to the game. Strategy and Rule Changes: Goal Line On Side Possession: If a team wants the ball after a kickoff, let them […]

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Innovation, Leadership

Better Football – 12 Changes for a More Exciting NFL

4 Nov , 2021  

With the 2021 NFL season about half completed, I want to share the changes that I most recommend for improving the NFL. Many of these would make the game more exciting and add strategy to the game. Strategy and Rule Changes: Goal Line On Side Possession: If a team wants the ball after a kickoff, […]

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Analytics, Digital Strategy, Innovation

Digital Marketing and Dominance: Are you Netflix – or Blockbuster?

11 Oct , 2021  

Are you Netflix or Blockbuster? A great focus for many startups, investors, and entrepreneurs is creating the next Netflix, Amazon, Uber, or Airbnb – namely to be a digital disruptor. Netflix conquered the analog and physical model of Blockbuster by bringing a digital layer to measure customers, movies, and even brand placements. Before Netflix, Blockbuster […]


Global Insights, Innovation, Risk Management

10 Unexpected Changes from COVID that Will Stay with Us

5 Oct , 2020  

With President Trump and many people around him being treated for COVID, it is clear that COVID can and does touch everyone. Even if you are not infected, you are experiencing a new economy and a new world. COVID changes have been challenging. Many of the changes we are experiencing will stay with us for years, I think. Some are unexpected and will have long-term impacts to our society and economy. Here are some predictions of economic and financial changes that will stay, even after we have achieved victory or control over COVID.

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Innovation, Leadership

Super Bowl Sunday!

28 Jan , 2020  

With Super Bowl LIV upon us, I thought I’d share a bit about why Super Bowl XVIII remains my favorite Super Bowl. Really, it was Super, featured the launch of the iconic Apple Macintosh, and offers a few lessons in leadership! Building a Team: A First for Tampa: This was the first Super Bowl to […]

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Big Data, Innovation

Telling Maps of America

19 Dec , 2018  

I enjoy maps. Each tells a complex story. Here are some of my favorites to reveal realities about our country, its economy, people, prospects and nuances. Not much commentary from me. I’m letting the maps speak.

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Global Insights, Innovation

Recession in 2019 or 2020? Yield Curve Might Say So!

14 Dec , 2018  

By now, you have probably heard that the yield curve has got flatten and will likely invert in 2019. What does this mean? Specifically, economists and investors look at the yield of the 10 year treasury note and subtract that rate from that of the 2 year treasury note. Rationally, investors want higher rates for […]

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Digital Strategy, Innovation

Instacart: How ’bout them Carrots?

1 Nov , 2018  

Instacart recently announced a round of funding that evaluates the firm at some $7 billion. That is amazing for a firm whose drivers are presumably not employees and that holds no real inventory but sells food. It may seem like a naïve question, but what does Instacart do exactly? I know it delivers food, but […]

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